
The first day of school! It is a universal experience and no matter how old you get, it’s easy to  recall those new school year sensations. Second grade did a great job listing some of the emotions that accompany the return to routine. On their new smartboard!  Whether brand new or returning students, there is a palpable buzz in the building.


Not to mention the staff! It is amazing to think that some teachers - no matter how many years they have been on the job - still have nerves on the first day. Fourth grade has a pitcher of “jitter juice” just in case. On the first day of school, there are about 30 other kids beginning the year together, but only one teacher! Imagine being the only one in the room starting anew.


We welcome the kindergarteners tomorrow who are starting a whole new phase of life. Perhaps the biggest beginning of all. As the middle school covered today in their behavior contract, there is a commitment to creating a “principled” environment for learning. What does that mean for your student? What are the learning principles your family values?


Tonight is a good night to talk about the feelings of the first day, reflect on the sort of year you hope to have and congratulate yourselves for getting through day one! A new beginning for everyone - what will you do with yours?
