The Ornament Exchange Party

What is the Corpus Christi Mom’s Ornament Exchange Party?

Only ONE of the BEST Corpus traditions!

Who is this party for?

        Corpus Moms

When does this tradition begin?

        When your child enters Kindergarten

When does this tradition end?

        NEVER (if you are lucky.)

Why a Mom’s Ornament Party?

One of the many wonderful things about Corpus Christi, is its sense of community.  When your child enters Kindergarten, or any class for that matter, your child’s classmates and their parents become part of your school family.   Over the next nine years, you develop a special bond with these families.  Many of these bonds will last through your child’s high school years and beyond.  The Mom’s Ornament Exchange Party fosters this bond and is a way to stay in touch with these families long after your child has graduated from Corpus.

How does the party get organized?

The “Class Parent” sends out an email to all the moms and asks who would like to host the event and who would like to coordinate the details of the event (ie/ set a date*, send out the evite, coordinate the food & beverage sign ups, make ticket #’s).

        *when setting a date, its best to try and avoid an evening that another grade is having their party, as many families have multiple children in the school.

How does the party work?

  •      Each mom brings a wrapped ornament (serious or funny)
  •      Ornament is placed (secretly) in designated area
  •      Each mom draws a number ticket
  •      The mom who draws #1, goes first and then again at the very end
  •      When it’s your turn, you can select an unopened gift or you can steal a gift from someone who has already picked an ornament.
  •      An ornament can be stolen once, twice, or three times… it’s up to the group, but should be decided upon at the start of the game.